Hey, my name is Jen, and this is Alongside Journal.

I’m a poet, writer, and spiritual director cultivating sacred spaces for fellow travelers. Back in 2002, I begged an acquaintance for a LiveJournal invite, and I’ve been writing online in some form ever since.

I was born in Central Florida where I grew up homeschooled, went to college, and started a 10 year career in Christian radio, with some writing on the side. Then in 2014 everything changed. I got married, uprooted everything, and moved to southern New England. Since then, I’ve been navigating shifts in home and faith and vocation, and settling into the next chapters of life.

In 2020, I became a certified spiritual director in the contemplative Christian tradition. Practicing deep listening and accompanying people in their spiritual life is one of my absolute favorite things. I am also a longtime contributor to The Rabbit Room, a regular contributor for She Reads Truth, and a co-proprietor of The Poetry Pub Writing Community with my husband and fellow poet Chris.

About Alongside Journal

A while back I started a TinyLetter called Finding Home, mostly to share stories from a Florida girl finding home in New England. It was sporadic and all over the place, but also a safe place to share my writing with a small circle of folks who care. Alongside Journal is a new incarnation here on Substack.

Truth be told, I’m figuring out what this letter wants to be. I named it Alongside because I have no interest in being anybody’s guru or thought leader. In a loud, lonely world where attention is for sale, I know I need a slow space to just wander, write, and connect. Maybe you need it too.

This is a place to think out loud and slowly respond. I’m very interested in contemplative living, spiritual formation, creativity, poetry, walking through doubt/faith renovation, pursuing wholeness, and the slow, daily work of healing the world. (I also reserve the right to be a sci-fi/fantasy nerd and talk about my dog.)

Because community is built into Substack, I’d love to hear from you in the comments or emails back! (but no pressure, if you just want to read.) I hope this is a place where you can bring your whole self – doubt and joy and loneliness and all of it – and find a safe place to land and a friend for the journey. Of all the corners in the wilds of the Internet, I’m so glad you found your way here to mine.

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Poet and Spiritual Director. Exploring faith, creativity, and life together (with the occasional nerdy detour)


Writer, Poet, Spiritual Director. Cultivating sacred space for weary travelers.