Free Workbook for Praying Poets 🎁

I know, I know... I was just in your inbox like... two days ago. Buuuuuuut I have something for you! (Besides whale puns.)
Introducing Poetry & Prayer: 3 Ideas for Adding Poetry to Your Spiritual Practice
(Click here for a free download!)

This is a free workbook I've been wanting to make for months. (MONTHS!) You see, over the past couple years, I've realized that so many of my poems are born out of spiritual experience, whether that's the influence of reading the Psalms, imagining my way into a Biblical character's story, or just contemplating an idea.
And I realized hey, maybe this will help some others too.
I'm convinced that writing poetry can be a fantastic spiritual practice for anyone. I hope to explore the intersections of poetry and spiritual growth more in the future, but for now I just wanted to share a few of my insights and favorite practices with you. Download this free workbook, print it out (if you want), and give these exercises a try, whether you're a poet or not.
This is ONLY available to Tiny Letter subscribers ('cause the bloggers tell me free things are how you bribe people into joining your email list, shhhh), so please don't share the link. But please DO help share the word! You can send your people to my website to sign up. Soon I'll start promoting this to the whole Internet, but I wanted to make sure you got it first. 💛
Please let me know how you like it, if you write any poems, if you catch any typos or have suggestions, etc. You can hit reply to this email anytime. And thanks, as always, for reading!