Faith, Art, and Finding Home #0: Apologies and Introductions

It was brought to my attention that I abandoned my email readers. I didn't mean to. I just sort of forgot I had email readers.
We were at a family get together a few weeks ago when Mom Yokel asked how she could keep up with my writing now. "I used to get your blog posts in my email, but now I don't. And then I saw you post a link on Facebook and realized you'd done all this writing and I missed it!"
"Oh.... that's right. I moved my blog. And I forget to share my new posts on Facebook. And really, the last series was more for me than for sharing..."
"Well, I really enjoy your writing. I want to keep up with it."
I suppose that conversation was the last encouragement I needed to actually start doing something with this TinyLetter account I made a while back. So, to everyone who subscribed to posts on my old Wordpress blog, or wondered why my Facebook pasts are sporadic, or just wants to know what's going on in my life: Thank you. I'm sorry. This is issue #0 of the latest extension of remembering people actually care about my writing. :)
But yes, it's true. Earlier this year, frustrated with free Wordpress, confused by paid Wordpress, and really in need of a proper website, I abandoned my old blogging platform and jumped to Tumblr. I still haven't figured out how to move my old stuff to the new site, but it doesn't matter much. It's fun to start with a fresh blank page.
And this year, I've been trying to get back in a regular writing groove. For the past year, words have come in fits and starts, a poem here, a Rabbit Room post there. But in the past month or so, I feel the words starting to surface again and actually turn into something. Plus I have a book to talk about now. It's exciting and fun to write again.
So... why a TinyLetter?
Once upon a time on Wordpress, you could subscribe to receive my blog posts in your email. It was handy and low maintenance. It was also pretty impersonal. I know 90% of the emails I receive go to the trash after a a quick skimming, so I've waffled on the idea of starting a newsletter of my own.
Instead of just another spammy email, I hope this will be something you look forward to getting in your inbox. Every month or so, I'll write a little missive that I won't post anywhere else, share a few links from the best of my blog and my writing elsewhere (mostly The Rabbit Room), and whatever else comes to mind. Also, you can reply to any of these letters, and a robot won't get your email. I will. Right here at my computer. Legit correspondence.
Still in? Yay!
I feel like this is more over-explaining than a real letter. Welcome, and feel free to forward this to anyone you think might enjoy being part of this.
Read on for blog links and a little about my new poetry book, but first, how about a few things I've been enjoying lately? I love it when people celebrate good things, and this seems like a good place to do the same...
Reading: The Hobbit. I'm all about re-discovering Tolkien this fall, and loving Bilbo's adventures even more the second time around. (PS: Chris is teaching an online Lord of The Rings class, starting January 4. If you're into that or know someone who might be, spread the word!)
Listening: LEVV - Strange Fire EP. I love pretty much everything Audrey Assad releases, but pair her voice with retro 80's synthpop, and I have found my musical happy place. Follow the link to hear the whole thing.
Apple Music on a new-to-me iPhone 5. During a crazy week of work commuting, I was able to indulge any musical whim, and it was awesome. (Taylor Swift and Jack White in the same day? Yep.) I will be sad when my free trial expires.
Soup. All the soup. Made a big ol' pot of totatoe soup on a cloudy November day. It takes a good two hours and a whole lot of love. Absolutely worth the wait. (And a solid week of leftovers. Not even joking.)
The trailer for AWIP's upcoming production of The Wiz! (Created by my rad nephew / The Wiz himself.) Super excited to help this great organization again. It's going to be a seriously great show... if you're in reasonable driving distance of Pawtucket, RI, tickets are on sale now! #believeinhome
Until next time,

My first poetry collection is out! You can order a copy on the books page of my website. And if you already have it, would you consider leaving a review on Lulu, Amazon, or Goodreads?
Also, I'll be giving one of my email readers a copy of the book and some good music when my next TinyLetter comes around. If you're reading this, you're already in!
I recently wrapped up an October series called 31 Days Toward Finding Home. It didn't quite turn out how I expected, but it was a fun exercise to get back in the writing habit. You can check out all the posts in the series here.
Right now? Jumping into yet another challenge (autumn is for writing, isn't it?)... this time I'm writing a poem every day this month. This is my fifth November taking the challenge, and so far, so good. You can follow along at my blog!